If you must make it up the ladder of greatness in life, you must take important everyday of your life. Those that makes visible impacts in life are those who takes each day of their life like its their last.
It is high time you knew that as each day goes by, you are also wearing out and your strength is also reducing. It is these little days you see that comes together to form your lifetime.
I sometimes get baffled when I see people at a late age trying to put things/resources together to become great in life. The question that runs through my mind to them is were where day some years ago when day where a little younger ? What did they spend their days doing then ?
One thing I want us to know is that seeing each day is an opportunity to
• Look Back,
• Right Your Wrongs,
• Get New Ideas and
• Refire Instead Of Retire.
On many occasions, you get to meet people who claim to be having a great goal for their life but on asking then how their day was, all you hear is " my day was just there. " That is the best answer a failure can give.
If you can finish a day and you cannot boldly say, " as far as today is concerned, I went one or two steps higher." Then you need to watch it for the future blinks so obviously.
The same 24 hours those top achievers have is the same 24 hours allocated to you and me. The major reason why;
Taylor Hernadez in 2005 claimed the prestigious “Chester Awards” for inventing the “Magic Sponge Blocks” at the age of ten.
Austin Meggitt an American schoolboy at the age of nine invented a device for carrying a baseball bat, ball and glove safely on the handlebars of a bicycle.
John J. Stone-Parker a four year old boy in 1989 invented a star shaped gadget to prevent ice from slipping out of a drinking glass.
It is all because they spent....Click here to continue reading