Ekiti state university (EKSU) is one school rated among some of the universities fastest academic session in Nigeria. Every student wants to gain admission and graduate within the approved time frame for their courses rather than have uncontrollable factors like strike, internal crisis and student union activities delay them from graduating.
Now. it is one thing to love the school another is to be able to gain admission meritoriously into the school either via JAMB or Direct Entry method.
In this post our purpose is to teach students who participated in this year’s UTME on how to calculate EKSU’s aggregate score or cut off mark for 2024/2025 academic session as this would help them in determining their admission status fast without having to confirm from a third party.
Ekiti state university is a well respected school and highly valued in in the western region of Nigeria, the most recent survey shows that 10% of UTME registrants select Ekiti state university as their most preferred choice of institution before selecting the school under their catchment area, and the balance of 90% are shared amongst other states and federal universities. polytechnics and colleges of education.
Before calculating your Ekiti state university aggregate score, the followings are involved;
- EKSU JAMB Cut off mark
- EKSU post UTME score
In some schools, WAEC and NECO results are needed when calculating the aggregate cut off mark but in EKSU. you do not require O’Level results when calculating candidate’s aggregate cut off mark, however, your O’level results must be complete, that is, you must have obtained a minimum of 5 credit passes which must include mathematics and English Language except for courses like Law, English Language, ISD (International Studies and Diplomacy), French and other Language courses in not more than two (2) sittings.
EKSU JAMB Cut off mark
Before calculating your EKSU aggregate cut off mark for admission, you must ensure you score up to EKSU JAMB cut off mark that gives you the eligibility status of participating in their post UTME. A good JAMB score is the first step towards ensuring a better chance of you gaining admission into Ekiti state university.
The university is one of the few universities in Nigeria that their cut off mark is still pegged at 180 even after JAMB directed that all schools drop their cut off points. The management insisted on leaving it at 180 because of the number of UTME registrants that come for post UTME every academic session.
So before calculating your EKSU’s aggregate cut off mark you must ensure you have passed the benchmark fixed by the university and it would be worthy to note that the higher your JAMB score, the higher your chances of a higher aggregate score, hence the higher your chances of gaining admission into Ekiti state university.
EKSU Post UTME Score
This is another important calculation that cannot be ignored, in fact if you do not participate in this screening exercise, no matter how high your JAMB score, your admission is as good as being lost for the academic session except you are lucky enough to purchase a change of course form and switch to another school that is yet to conduct their post UTME hence all your 5 senses must be on ground as regards the release of EKSU post UTME admission form in order not to miss out.
In calculating EKSU aggregate score, your post UTME score is needed, hence you must make sure you score above average if you want to stand a chance of gaining admission into Ekiti state university. In the previous post UTME screening aptitude test many candidates cried out that after passing both JAMB and post UTME they were yet denied admission, it is not witch hunting as some assumed, EKSU selects candidates with the best aggregate cut off marks however there are exceptions to this and one of which is the number of candidates for a particular department.
Some courses usually have low number of UTME students who select them during their registration, therefore expect the overall aggregate cut off mark for such courses to be low. As for professional courses like Engineering, Law, Accounting, Medicine, Nursing and the likes usually have the highest number of course selections during UTME registrations which is why just passing your JAMB and post UTME is not enough to grant you admission into Ekiti state university so it is advised you obtain at least, an above average score if you want to stand a chance of gaining admission into this university without challenges.
In summary of the above twp paragraphs, to calculate EKSU aggregate score (JAMB cut off mark and Post UTME Score), candidate must score at least 180 in JAMB and 50% in their post UTME to stand a chance of gaining admission into the institution.
A lot has been discussed as regards all you need to known about EKSU aggregate cut off mark or score now lets go proper into how EKSU calculate their aggregate cut off mark or score so candidates can start calculating theirs as soon as they see their JAMB and post UTME score.
We are going to be very practical in our illustration, it is a very simple mathematics, yet it needs a bit of concentration.
How To calculate EKSU Aggregate Score And Cut Off Mark For 2024/2025 Academic Session
Knowing how to calculate Ekiti state university’s aggregate score can help student forecast or plan what they want to score even without having sat for JAMB or post UTME. You can use proposed your proposed JAMB cut off mark and post UTME cut off mark, calculate and see if you can study your proposed course, if yes then work towards it, if the aggregate score is not up to then you will have to put in more efforts or change your proposed course.
Now lets show you practical example on how to calculate EKSU’s Aggregate Score:
Please Note:
- EKSU Aggregate JAMB Score = 50%
- EKSU Aggregate Post UTME Score = 50%
The above makes it a total of 100% hence the pass mark is 50% so take note.
Step 1: To calculate your EKSU aggregate score, you are to divide your JAMB score by 8
Step 2: Divide Your Post UTME score by 2
What ever your answers are in step 1 and step 2, sum them up to know what your score is over 100.
See Example below
Let us assume Kunle scored 220 in his UTME and scores 70 in his post UTME, Kunle’s aggregate score would be calculated as follows:
a) JAMB score divided by 8 that is, 220/8 =27.5%
b) Post UTME score divided by 2, that is, 70/2 = 36.5%
Then sum up both scores together, that is, 27.5% + 36.5% = 64%
Therefore, Kunle’s aggregate score is 64% out of 100% and this is considered above average. With this aggregate score, a candidate’s chances of gaining admission to study his preferred choice of course is quite high.
From observation as regards the above calculation, Kunle’s JAMB score was a mere 220 out of 400 and his post UTME score was 70 out of a possible 100 points, his chances of studying his course has been greatly boosted because he performed excellently in his post UTME hence giving him a higher chances of gaining admission into EKSU.
So it is important candidates place huge emphasis on their post UTME examination especially candidates with low UTME score in order to stand a better chance of gaining admission into Ekiti state university.
For candidates asking for the following:
- What is EKSU’s Aggregate score for Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering?
- EKSU Aggregate Score for Law
- What is EKSU’s Aggregate Score for Medicine and Surgery?
- What is EKSU’s Aggregate Score for Nursing?
- EKSU’s Aggregate Score for Accounting and all other faculties?
With the aggregate score (64%) calculated and used as an illustration above , you can gain admission into Ekiti state university to study your preferred choice of course despite not listed above.
Hope this is well understood? as you can see, calculating EKSU’s aggregate cut off mark is very simple, all that is required from candidates is to work harder to get a good UTME and post UTME score especially in order to stand a better chance of gaining admission.
If you have questions as regards how to calculate EKSU’s aggregate cut off mark for all courses, you can reach us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.
Kindly share this information amongst friends via Facebook, Twitter and other registered social media platforms at your disposal for others to benefit from.
Thank You!