Value is simply the usefulness and importance of something or someone. It was Albert Einstein that advised that one shouldn’t try to be a person of success but to rather be a person of value. I believe the reason he said this is that value is directly connected to success.
The equation is simple, the more valuable you are, the more successful you are. We shouldn’t equally forget that value is connected to influence. When value grows, influence grows.
Here are ways to become a person of value and influence;
Find and pursue Purpose and passion: The great and influential men and women the world has ever known where those who discovered and pursued their purposes and were driven by their passions. When you are on the path of purpose, it is easier to add significant value to the lives of people.
You will hardly be of any significant value to people or influence them when you don’t know where you are going. Purpose ignites passion which keeps one motivated, inspired and focused. You need all that to be valuable and influential.
Embrace Personal development: Becoming a person of value and influence demands embracing a life long pursuit of personal development. Personal development is...click here to continue