There is no doubt that one's self-esteem affects one's performance and productivity. How you feel about yourself affects your performance and results and can stand in the way between you and your success.
Poor self-esteem breeds pessimism and lack of self-confidence. It kills imagination and initiative. It makes one to feel unworthy of success or great results even when such person has the skills to do so.
A healthy self-esteem produces the opposite. People with healthy self-esteem take pride in their abilities, skills and have the confidence to use it at any given opportunity.
Self-esteem can be defined as an objective respect for or favorable impression of oneself. It is also a confidence and satisfaction in oneself. It is how you see yourself.
What Determines Our Self-esteem
Our life experiences particularly the ones in our child hood stages to a great extent influence our self-esteem.
The way we are treated by people around us (especially the ones we look up to) at this early stages....click here to continue reading