It was brought to the notice of the management yesterday that a certain note was pasted on the noticeboard by some unscrupulous elements, under aegis of ALORA FRATERNITY pasted on the 21 March 2022.
The information on the paper is to destabilize the students and cause fear in their hearts as this falls short of any reasonable logic as a means of coercion and initiation. All the contents of the letter are merely empty threats.
The management wishes to inform all Harvarde College students that the management is on top of the situation as relevant information has been forwarded to the Law Enforcement Agents for further investigation and action. Any student caught in connection with the obnoxious act will be handed over to the Police without wasting time.
You are therefore advised to ignore the threat and go about your academic activities without any fear knowing that the management will do everything and anything to ensure your security.
You are advised to shun any act of cultism.