Good to know that you and I made it into 2015, We can only thank God for all His blessings. For the gift of Family & Friends, food we ate, water we drank, shelter we stayed, successes we achieved, and even our failures, knowing that with Life, we will live to achieve our dreams and fulfill our destiny on earth.
This is not a thread to register complains or depressions, but to stand up and commit 2015 into the hands of God. We know that 2015 brings forth all the successes we have longed for and by this date in 2015, we will be back here to testify and give glory to God for all He has done.
Please take your time now and post a comment of your new year message to everyone. You can post testimonies for 2014, then your resolution and prayers for 2015, with faith that they will come to pass.
This is an interdenominational and inter-level thread so everyone is open to participate, aspirant & prospective students, undergraduates and even graduates. Use the comment box provided below and may your prayers be fulfilled.