Going by the poor and still declining state of Nigeria's education sector and the alarming rate of unemployment in the country, I am always with my thoughts concerning what the future holds for an average Nigerian youth.
I think it is about time we looked inward and find that special deposit God has placed in us and use it to better our lives and the world at large instead of carrying certificates around looking for jobs after graduation
We all have God's given talent let's utilize it and achieve a bigger future for ourselves.
Gone are the days when graduating from a higher institution is all you need to be confident of a good future.
Now is more about what you can do than about what you have on your certificate.
Unfortunately most graduates have nothing else to offer apart from the grades on their certificates.
What you do and how you do it. I want to develop themselves beyond gaining admission and graduating with a certificate.
When you are confident on what you can do and find a way to monetize it (which you will find if you look well) it is only a matter of time before fortune smiles at you.
I would like to read your opinion on this. Please do that on the comment box.