Google Africa Travel and Conference Grants 2018 to Attend Tech Conferences

Google Africa Travel and Conference Grants 2018 to Attend Tech Conferences

Google Travel and Conference Grants

At Google, we believe a diversity of attributes, experiences, and perspectives are needed to build tools that can change the world. Everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue a career in computer science and technology, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability or military service. To help break down the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups in computer science from attending leading tech conferences, we’re excited to offer Google Travel and Conference Grants for selected conferences in Computer Science and related fields.

Grants are available in North America for all traditionally underrepresented groups in technology (including, but not limited to, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, persons with disabilities, women and veterans), in Europe for women in technology, in India and in Africa for students who have their research papers accepted at top-tier conferences in Computer Science and related areas.

Google Travel and Conference Grants Benefits

  •  An award in the range of $1000 to $3000 that will cover conference registration, travel, accommodation and related expenses. Grant amount depends on cost for the international conference.​

Google Travel and Conference Grants Eligibility

To be eligible for a grant to attend an international conference, applicants must:

  • Be a student enrolled with a recognized university in Africa who is in need of conference travel funds.
  • Studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a technical field related to the conference subject.
  • Have a paper accepted for presentation (oral or poster) in the main conference program at a top-tier Computer Science conference. We prefer to support conferences in research areas where Google has a strong interest. Please visit for a list of areas. The paper must be accepted for full publication and preferably full oral presentation. Workshop papers will not be approved for travel grants.
  • Be the sole or joint first author of the accepted paper.

How to Apply for Google Travel and Conference Grants

Please fill and submit the form below by the deadline for the conference that you wish to attend. We are currently accepting applications for conferences in 2018 only.

 Application Form Official Link

We review applications monthly, all year round, therefore you will get our reply four to six weeks from the date of the application. Once approved for a travel grant, the funds will be paid to the applicant’s university and the student may claim expenses using regular university procedures.

For any questions, please reach out to [email protected].

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