Hello SchoolGisters!!! We have good news for you. Starting from Monday, 7th September 2020, we are launching our “Earn As You Post" (EAYP) programme to enable students get paid for any school news that is uploaded and gets approved on schoolgist.ng. Whatever news you have from your school, we are ready to pay you for it.
At SchoolGist, because we are committed to delivering on our promises, we are pleased to partner with students all over the country, who will form our team of reporters. Sounds cool right? The new Earn As You Post platform elevates you to the status of Student Reporter plus an opportunity to maximize your earning power.
We are all about hot, trendy contents and that is what we expect from you. Be the first to report the latest happenings in and around your school, while you get paid for it.
Register at www.schoolgist.ng to create a free account
You must be a student with a valid phone number attached to your SchoolGist account
Interested students will be required to upload stories about happenings in their school on their dashboard, backed up with a relevant picture or video contents
Approved stories will be uploaded on our site with the students’ byeline
Original and timely posts will be given topmost priority
Only approved stories will receive earnings
You can earn up to N500 for every post published by the SchoolGist team
Feel free to upload as many posts as possible to increase your earning power
SchoolGist reserves the right to modify the above rules
Submissions will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Accuracy: We operate on a standard of correctness and clarity. Fake news or reports will be disregarded.
Timeliness: Stories must be uploaded hot and fresh. This means stale reports might not be considered. Furthermore, we operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. Don’t let others beat you to the story, be the first to report.
Credibility: Spice up your posts with relevant videos, pictures or screenshots to enable your story gain trustworthiness.
Presentation: Your presentation is directly proportional to how much your story will earn you. You must be able to give details of your story and write it appropriately to earn the maximum pay for that story.
Currency: Feel free to share topical happenings in and around your school environment. We’d like you to keep us abreast of the latest stories as soon as it happens.
Other newsworthy attributes
- Institution (school) press releases
- SUG press releases
- Notice board releases and snapshots
- Inaugural Lectures
- Social Events (Freshers night, awards night, matriculation, convocation, etc)
- Faculty/Departmental Stories
- Inside scoop and gists
- School "News on the Go"
Only approved stories, made public on the website are eligible to be credited. Every approved post will be awarded earnings by SchoolGist, based on guidelines stated in the above "content format".
To know if you have been credited for a particular post you provided, you will need to check your transaction log from your dashboard at "Transactions" > "All Transactions", or by using this link; https://schoolgist.ng/member/account/transactions
Your earnings will be displayed on your dashboard
Once you reach a threshold of N5000 and above, you can request for a payout. From your dashboard, go to "Transactions" > "Request Payout".
If you've not entered your bank details, you will be able to do so before a payout is submitted.
Payments are made within 48 hours of your request.
We will closely monitor consistent contributors to this programme. These contributors will be contacted by SchoolGist for possible collaborations on future projects. If you're consistent and provide credible information, we will definitely reward you appropriately.
You can use any of the following options to upload your story.
- Directly via this link: https://schoolgist.ng/member/blog/create
- From the SchoolGist Homepage, click on the button "Submit a Report" at the bottom of "Latest News"
- Enter your dashboard > "Blog" > "Create Post"
If you have any questions or concerns about the EAYP programme, kindly reach out via our dedicated helpline, 09062547747, between 9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday (Excluding Holidays). You can also send an email to info@schoolgist.ng
Happy Earning SchoolGisters.