Get Paid to Answer Questions on Myschool - System Upgraded

Get Paid to Answer Questions on Myschool - System Upgraded

We're pleased to inform you that our programme to Pay you in Cash for every question you provide a solution to, here on the SchoolGist Website (Questions Section Only), is currently on-going. Yes! We will pay you in cash and credit your bank account, once you reach the minimum threshold. We have given over N1,000,000 to students already, and guess what, we're ready to give more.

We understand that a lot of students have answers to majority of questions posted on SchoolGist, however, they are either not motivated or simply don't have enough data to offer help to other students. Remember we used to offer SMS credits for answers? Well, it's even better now. It's real cash this time around.

Since the launch of our new website, you may have noticed you now have a Dashboard with a section that shows Earnings as seen below;

SchoolGist Dashboard Earnings

From the above-given example, I currently have N25,370 (Twenty Five Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy Naira Only).

With this new design, it shows our commitment to massively reward loyal SchoolGisters by boosting their earning power. Who knows? You may end up being a Gold Contributor and Permanent Earner on SchoolGist.

Apart from financially rewarding SchoolGisters, this programme is designed to further improve learning, as we will be dealing with both Academic and School-Based Questions.

How to Get Paid to Answer Questions on SchoolGist

To get paid for any question, you have to provide a valid "SOLUTION/EXPLANATION" to whatever question was posted. We emphasize SOLUTION/EXPLANATION. This means, aside providing the answer, the detailed SOLUTION/EXPLANATION of how you got the answer must be made available as well. For questions that require explanations OR involve calculations, you can type the explanations or solve the question on a paper, then take a clear photo/screenshot using your phone camera and upload the image. This has to be done as a comment/answer to the question.

Rules of the Programme

  1. Providing solutions to both Academic Questions And School-Based Questions will equally get you paid.
  2. You must be the first to answer the question CORRECTLY to earn the highest value for that question.
  3. If someone else answers the question correctly within 24hrs after you have answered it, the reward goes to that person. If the person's answer is wrong and you post a correction, you will then be rewarded for the solution you provided.
  4. The more details you provide to explain the solution you are providing, the more your earning power.
  5. If you insist on providing the solution to very old questions, e.g. questions like "When is the resumption date for 2012/2013 Academic Session", you must answer these sort of question in such a way that it is relevant to users today and in the future. Better still, you can avoid such old or maybe irrelevant questions.
  6. We will pay between N5 - N10 for every solution and answer you provide to a question. However, Gold Contributors earn up to N30 per answer provided.
  7. SchoolGist reserves the right to modify the above rules, anytime we deem fit.

Claiming your payment

As from Friday, 23rd February 2019, you will no longer need to send SchoolGist an Email to get credited for your answer. This new system begins on 23rd February, so until then, you are still required to send mails to get credited. Again, all answers posted as from 23rd February will henceforth use the new crediting system.

  1. All answers are eligible to be credited. Each and every answer will be marked and given a value by a SchoolGist Staff.
  2. Once your answer is posted, we will receive a notification for that answer and reward you within few hours.
  3. To know if you have been credited for a particular question you provided an answer for, you will need to check your transaction log from your dashboard at "Transactions" > "All Transactions", or by using this link;

SchoolGist.Ng - Latest School News in one place.

Getting your money into your bank account

SchoolGist.Ng - Latest School News in one place.

  1. Once you reach a threshold of N5000 and above, you can request for a payout. From your dashboard, go to "Transactions" > "Request Payout".
  2. If you've not entered your bank details, you will be able to do so before a payout is submitted.
  3. Payments are made within 48hrs of your request.

Tips to earn maximum points

The major tip is to provide a holistic solution to the question asked, instead of just the answer. Example; If a user asks for the cut-off mark of a certain school, you have to tell the user why the cut-off mark you provided as the answer is correct. Simply put, just explain your answer beyond any reasonable doubt.

How to double or triple your earning power

We cherish members who are passionate about helping other students solve their problems, and so, with time, we will double and even triple your earning power. To learn more about getting a promotion and becoming a Gold Contributor to this programme, please click here to read more.

How to Find only Unanswered Questions

If you would like to earn more points per question and focus on the business of answering questions that have not been answered at all, then see how to find only unanswered questions. Click here to read the tips and tricks.

How to start?

It has started already,  and we see users already providing help and earning at the same time. To start now, visit this link;

Any Issues?

If you have any suggestions, observations or concerns about this programme, please do let us know as a comment below, so we can make amends or thrash out any issues.

Happy Earning SchoolGisters,

Good luck!

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