Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic Saapade announces resumption date

Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic Saapade announces resumption date

The resumption date of Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic saapade has been announced. See details below;

Sequel to the announcement of the State Government that educational institutions should resume for academic activities as from September,21st,2020 the management of Gateway ICT Polytechnic in its recent meeting decided that students in the college are to comply with the directive without further delay to this end students all students are to resume in phase as from Monday 21st of September,2020

Please note that the use of face mask and hand -sanitizer is mandatory in line with the safety protocol, Gateway, ICT Polytechnic, Saapade maintains a “No facemask and hand sanitizer, No entry” Policy.

Furthermore, all outstanding 2019/2020 first semester examinations would be concluded upon resumption between the 21st and 26th September 2020. Additional information will be passed across to the students as and when due.

Members of the Gateway ICT Polytechnic community are advised to adhere strictly to the directive.

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