FUTO & STACC mourns COE Onwuliri - Funeral Arrangements

FUTO & STACC mourns COE Onwuliri - Funeral Arrangements

This week will certainly be a period of mourning for the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy (STACC) Family in particular, FUTO, and the catholic arch diocese of Owerri in general. Nonetheless, we can not certainly say it would totally put all academic programmes to a stand still.

The corpse of late prof. Celestine Onyemaobi E. Onwuliri will arrive owerri & will have a mass said to his honour in STACC, on wed 20th. Also, in STACC, The staff of FUTO will also pay him the last eucharistic repeat on thur 21st all of June.

Finally, he is to be buried in his home town on Sat 23rd June, 2012.

We pray God to grant his family, especially the wife, Dr. Mrs. Viola Adaku Onwuliri, FUTO family, & all well wishers in general the fortitude to bear this irrepairable loss.

Rest In Peace ALOHA!
We love U, but God loves U most...

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