FUTO Disclaimer/Fraud Alert!

FUTO Disclaimer/Fraud Alert!

The attention of the Management of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) has been drawn to a series of misleading online activities of scammers using the name of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mrs. Nnenna N. Oti to send all forms of requests to unsuspecting members of the public.

The unscrupulous elements would in the process promise to offer admissions or employment as well as contracts, thereby demanding for a huge sum of money in return.

The Management wishes to use this medium to strongly dissociate itself from such acts, and hereby state categorically as follows, that:

  • The present administration led by Prof. Mrs. Nnenna N. Oti is not currently involved in any form of job recruitments or contract awards.
  • It can never demand money or any gratification in return for offer of admissions, employments, award of contracts, as the case may be.
  • Any offer from this administration is strictly given on merit to the deserving individuals, which is in accordance with the extant norm and tradition of the University.
  • Anybody who intends to patronize such culprits does so at his or her own expense or peril.
  • Anyone seeking clarification or enquiry of any form is advised to visit the Office of the Registrar of the University.

We also use this medium to decisively warn the scammers to steer clear of such criminal acts, because the Management is on top of the situation to fish out the bad eggs.

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