The admission list of the successful candidates of the 2013/2014 session is supposed to be published simultaneously as the supplementary list but for slight misconduct of the candidates of the fore mentioned academic session in form of submission of wrong jamb details which has now forced a delay in the uploading process.
As this report is being published the names of candidates are under serious scrutiny as candidates who do not meet the 180 minimum jamb requirement are being filtered out subsequently candidates with a CGP of 2.10 and above with accurate jamb requirement need not fear.
In the meantime you are all advised to continue checking your admission status by clicking here.
On the page that loads up, enter your JAMB registration number and click "Next". If you have been admitted, the portal will tell you so, then you can click "View Result" to view the department you have been given.
Once satisfied, go back to the previous page and proceed with payment of your acceptance fee.
Goodluck and share your testimonies or issues using the comment box provided below this page.
utme.futo.edu.ng for your admission status as it is being uploaded a little slower compared to supplentary list.Goodluck