The federal university of technology minna initiates a new academic program named CODEL.
CODel meaning "Centre of distance and e-learning". It's a programme that has various departments such as Computer Science, Cyber Security Science, Information Technology, Mathematics/Computer Science (Education), Mathematics/Physics (Education), Mathematics and Statistics, Physics/Computer Science (Education),
Physics with Electronics, microsoft etc.
This program kicks up with the 2011/2012 admission list of those that applied to futminna and met the required criteria and was not granted direct admission.
Students are to check the admission list with their jamb reg num. To visit the Codel Portal now, click here. On arriving at the portal, click the link on the left of the page saying: UTME Admission List to CODeL.
To go directly to the admission status checking page, click here.
Students can also apply to CODEL. Any problem as regards CODEL ADM. AND admission for aspirants,and success tips to admission, Contact me 08101126315.