Here is the complete official academic calendar for the 2012/2013 Academic Session as released by the Senate of the Federal University of Technology, Akure.
Students are hereby advised to take note of special dates that will be key to their success in this session.
With this information at hand there should be not excuses for improper planning and success in this Session.
Please view below;
Sunday, 4th November, 2012 - Arrival of Fresh StudentsMonday, 5th November, 2012 - Normal Registration and Orientation Begin for Fresh Students
Friday, 9th November, 2012 - Orientation Ends
Sunday, 11th November, 2012 - Arrival of 200 to 500 Level Students
Monday, 12th November, 2012 - Normal Registration Begins for 200 - 500 Level Students
Monday 12th November, 2012 - Lectures Begin
Friday 23rd November, 2012 - Normal Registration Ends for 200–500 Level Students
Saturday, 24th November, 2012 - Convocation Ceremony
Monday, 26th November, 2012 - Late Registration Begins for 200–500 Level Students
Friday, 30th November, 2012 - Late Registration Ends for 200 – 500 Level Students
Wednesday, 12th December, 2012 - Registration Ends for Fresh Students
Friday, 14th December, 2012 - Matriculation Ceremony
Friday, 21st December, 2012 - Mid-Semester Break Begins
Wednesday, 2nd January, 2013 - Mid Semester Break Ends
Thursday, 3rd January, 2013 - Lectures Resume for the Remaining Part of the First
Friday, 4th January, 2013 - All Registration Documents Reach the Registry
Friday, 1st March, 2013 - Lectures End
Monday, 11th March, 2013 - First Semester Examinations Begin
Friday, 29th March, 2013 - First Semester Examinations End
Friday, 29th March, 2013 - End of First Semester, 2012/2013
Summary of 1st Semester 2012/2013 Academic Calendar
14 Weeks for Lectures
1 Week for Revision
3 Weeks for Examination
Sunday, 14th April, 2013 - Arrival of Students for 2nd SemesterMonday, 15th April, 2013 - Normal Registration/Lectures Begin
Friday, 26th April, 2013 - Normal Registration Ends
Monday, 29th April, 2013 - Late Registration Begins
Friday, 3rd May, 2013 - Late Registration Ends
Friday, 24th May, 2013 - All Registration Forms Reach the Registry
Thursday, 30th May, 2013 - Mid-Semester Break Begins
Sunday, 2nd June, 2013 - Mid Semester Break Ends
Monday, 3rd June, 2013 - Lectures Resume for the Remaining Part of Second Semester
Friday, 19th July, 2013 - Lectures End for Second Semester, 2013 Session
Monday, 29th July, 2013 - Second Semester Examinations Begin
Saturday, 10th August, 2013 - Second Semester Examinations End
Saturday, 10th August, 2013 - End of 2012/2013 Session
Summary of 2nd Semester 2012/2013 Academic Calendar
14 Weeks for Lectures
1 Week for Revision
2 Weeks for Examination
With this information this early, nothing stops you from excelling.
Have a great Session,
The SchoolGist Team.