Heads of Departments, Members of Staff and Students are hereby informed that Senate at its 247th Statutory Meeting held on Wednesday, 24th September, 2014, approved the Postgraduate Academic Calendar for Second Semester, 2013/2014 Academic Session as follows:
Sunday, 14th September, 2014 - Arrival of all Postgraduate Students
Monday, 15th September, 2014 - Normal Registration/Lecture begins for all Postgraduate Students
Friday, 26th September, 2014 - Normal Registration ends for all Postgraduate Students
Monday, 28th September, 2014 - Late Registration begins for all Postgraduate Students
Friday, 3rd October, 2014 - Late Registration ends for all Postgraduate Students
Friday, 17th October, 2014 - All Registration Forms reach the Secretary, SPGS
Friday, 21st November, 2014 - Lectures end for all Postgraduate Students
Monday, 24th November, 2014 - Second Semester Examination begins for all Postgraduate Students
Friday, 28th November, 2014 - Second Semester Examinations end for all Postgraduate Students.
- 10 Weeks for Lectures
- 1 Week for Examination
The approved Academic Calendar is being publicized for the attention of Staff and Postgraduate Students. Heads of Departments are kindly requested to ensure that the approved calendar is strictly followed.
Thank you,
A. S. I. Ugbomah
Senate Matters and Admissions Officer