Below is the academic calender of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun.
First Semester Begins Monday 3rd March, 2014
Second Semester Begins Monday 7th July, 2014
Clearance/Registration for all students Monday 3rd to 14th March, 2014
Orientation for new students Monday 17th to 21st March, 2014
Lectures Begin for all students Monday 24th March, 2014
Late registration for all Students Monday 21st April to Friday 25th April 2014
Matriculation Wednesday 7th May , 2014
First Semester Lectures End for all
students Friday 30th May , 2014
First Semester Examinations Begin for all
students Monday 8th June, 2014
First Semester Examinations End for all
students Friday 20th June, 2014
Semester break Monday 23rd June– Friday 4th July, 2014
Second Semester Lectures Begin for All
students Monday 7th July, 2014
Special Senate to Consider First Semester
Results Wednesday 23rd July, 2014
Second Semester Lectures End Friday, 3rd Oct., 2014
Second Semester Examinations Begin Monday 13th , Oct. 2014
Second Semester Examinations End Friday 24th Oct. 2014
Special Senate to Consider Second
Semester Results Wednesday 12th Nov., 2014
End of Session Wednesday 12th Nov., 2014
New Session 2014/2015 Monday 24th Nov., 2014
First Semester Second Semester
2 weeks for Clearance/Registration
13 weeks for Lectures 13 weeks for Lectures
1 week for Revision 1 week for Revision
2 weeks for Examination 2 weeks for Examination