FUOYE Vacancies for University Librarian & Registrar

FUOYE Vacancies for University Librarian & Registrar

The Federal University Oye-Ekiti hereby announces that the positions of the REGISTRAR and UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN of the University are vacant and as such invites interested and qualified individuals to submit application as stated below:

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE APPLICABLE TO THE POSITIONS: Successful candidates shall hold their respective offices for a single term of five (5) years each on such conditions as may be specified in the letter of appointment. The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the positions of the Registrar and University Librarian in all Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Federal Government/Governing Council of the University.


The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University and is directly responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day administrative work of the University. By virtue of the office, he is the Secretary to the Council, University Senate, Congregation and Convocation and their Committees.

The candidate for the post of Registrar must possess a good earned degree in Arts, Humanities, Management or related discipline from a recognized University, with at least fifteen (15) years relevant post-qualification experience in an institution of higher learning . Possession of relevant Postgraduate Degree(s) and registration with relevant professional bodies will be an added advantage. Due consideration will also be given to candidates with international exposure and experience.The candidate should not be below the rank of Deputy Registrar (CONTISS 14)for a minimum of five (5) years and with vast experience in administrative activities in a reputable Nigerian University, preferably Federal. The candidate must also have the ability to cope with the dynamics of University Administration in the post Covid-19 Era. Therefore, preference will be given to candidates with experience in Distance Learning Education.


The University Librarian shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the administration of the University Library and coordination of all Library services in the University. As an Academic staff, the University Librarian will be required to provide both academic and administrative leadership to members of staff in the University Library.

The candidate must possess postgraduate degree(s) in Library Science with at least fifteen (15) years relevant post-qualification experience in an institution of higher learning . Membership of relevant professional bodies will be an added advantage. Due consideration will also be given to candidates with international exposure and experience.The candidate should not be below the rank of Deputy University Librarian (CONTISS 14), with vast experience in Library activities in a reputable Nigerian University, preferably Federal.

The candidates for the above positions should:
i. Have and show demonstrable evidence of consummate management and leadership passion and drive in previous positions and, in addition, must possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
ii. Exhibits the ability of a team leader, who leads by example and has clear mentorship skills and plans; and should not be older than sixty (60) years upon appointment and should be within the retirement age at the expiration of his/her tenure;
iii. Exhibits a considerate degree of competence, responsiveness, demonstrable integrity and transparency on matters of human resource management with an outstanding experience at the management level;
iv. Be a person with good leadership qualities who can inspire and motivate colleagues; a person with clear vision for the development of the University, and must be ready to implement the vision of the University;
v. Be a highly commendable person both in character and quality of service, with clear physical or documentary evidences;
vi. Be focus and innovative, computer literate, and must have a good working understanding of communication by internet; and
vii. Be in excellent physical and mental health.

How to Apply for FUOYE Jobs

Candidates are required to submit thirty (30) copies of their application and Curriculum Vitae and photocopies of their credentials.  The Curriculum Vitae should highlight in the order indicated below:

1.    Full Name (surname first in capital letters)
2.    Place and Date of Birth
3.    Marital Status
4.    Number and Ages of Children
5.    Email address
6.    Telephone number
7.    Postal Address
8.    Permanent Home Address
9.    Nationality
10.    State of Origin and LGA
11.    Schools attended and qualifications obtained with dates
12.    Current employment and position held with date
13.    Previous Employment(s)/Position(s)/Date(s)
14.    Membership of Professional Bodies
15.    Names and Addresses of three (3) references

Each applicant should request each of his/her referees to forward, direct to the Registrar, a confidential report on the applicant’s character, academic and managerial ability in a properly sealed envelope marked ”post of Registrar or University Librarian: Referee’s Report’’ with the name of candidate at the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Soft copiesof the application and Curriculum Vitae as attachment to email are to be emailed to: vc@fuoye.edu.ngand cc: registrar@fuoye.edu.ng

All applications and referees’ reports should be submittedwithin six (6) weeks from the date of this publication under confidential cover and addressed to:

The Registrar
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
3, Are/Afao Road

NB: The Governing Council reserves the right to extend the closing date if it is deemed necessary, and/or re-advertise the position should this particular process not yield the desired results. The advertisement does not impose any legal obligation on the University to invite, accept or deal in whatsoever manner with any applicant.

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