All Admitted Students are hereby admitted for Screening Exercise at Institute of Part-Time Studies, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ayegbaju Campus on 23rd June, 2022 by 10:00am. Applicants are to come with the following credentials and documents (original for sighting and photocopies for submission):
i Printed copy of the Application Form & Receipt of Application Fee of N20,000
ii. O’Level Result(s)
iii. Two Recent (2) Passport Photographs
iv. OND, NCE & HND Certificate(s) as appropriate (Applicable only to the Direct Entry Applicants)
v. Birth Certificate / Declaration of Age
vi. Local Government Attestation
vii. Receipt of Admission Processing Fee of N7,000
Please note that failure to subject yourself to this Screening Exercise personally with the above documents will invalidate your admission process.
Thank you.