FUOtuoke New Students' Orientation Exercise, 2017/2018 Begins

FUOtuoke New Students' Orientation Exercise, 2017/2018 Begins

This is to inform all members of the University Community and particularly the first year students that 2017/2018 Orientation Programme has been scheduled as follows:

1. Monday January 15, 2018 Departmental Orientation RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENTS

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

2. Wednesday January 17, 2018 Faculty Orientation RESPECTIVE FACULTIES

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

3. Friday January 19, 2018 University Orientation UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM (SKILLS/EAST CAMPUS)

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

All first year students are expected to attend as vital issues concerning them will be discussed. The occasion will give the students the opportunity to ask questions on all aspects of the University and their stay on campus and obtain information direct from officials who are in charge of all matters relating to students. On account of this Orientation Programme, the on-going clearance exercise for first year students will resume after 12:00 noon on each day. Thank you. MR L. O. OROSOLA PAR., COUNCIL For: Ag. Registrar

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