The management of federal University Otuoke has released the schedule of payment for fresh and Returning students for the 2020/2021 Academic session. All Students are to note the following:
1. All new students (Freshmen) must stay in the hostel, unless contra-indicated by a Medical Doctor and or subject to availability of space
2. Students must pay full applicable fees by end of Registration Period of academic year, else all registration privileges will be withdrawn for the academic year.
3. Accommodation (N10,000.00 per student) is not included in the school fee schedule above.
4. All fees paid are not refundable.
5. Returning Students must pay all outstanding fees (Prior Session and Current Session) BEFORE Registration for the new Academic Session.
6. For the 2020/2021 Academic Session Fresh students registration, the Acceptance, Processing, Medicals/Laboratory & X-Ray Fees are paid together (N38,000).