All Medical Students are requested to apply for allocation of bed spaces in the University Hostels. All application must contain your (Name, Reg. No and Level) This is to enable us process your access to generate invoice for payment of hostel fee..
Please note that the guidelines earlier published for allocation of bed spaces in the University hostel will be strictly followed. Please this request is not applicable to the current 2022/2023 300 level Students preparing for their Professional exams.
For your information no Medical Student will be allowed into the University hostels if he or she has not paid for all charges including the hostel fee and must be cleared by the Bursary department and Faculty Accountant.
Please there is no waiting room in the hostel. Do not return with your luggage to the hostel except if you have paid for all charges. All typed application letters should be submitted at the office of the Dean Students' Affairs from Friday 9th February to close of work on Monday 12th February, 2024.
Please be guided accordingly.