In light of recent adjustments, the Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndifu-Alike, Ikwo, has released its amended academic calendar for the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. It is imperative for students to take cognisance of these dates to plan their academic activities accordingly.
Key Dates for 200-500 Level Students
- 17-19 Sept: Students’ return for the second semester.
- 19-23 Sept: Lectures commence.
- 2-6 Oct: Inception quizzes alongside regular lectures.
- 4-8 Dec: Commencement of 2nd semester examinations.
- 18-21 Dec: Continuation and eventual conclusion of examinations on 21st Dec.
- 22 Dec: Commencement of Christmas break.
Specific Timeline for 100 Level Students
- 4 Oct: Arrival on campus for the second semester.
- 5 Oct: Start of lectures.
- 16-20 Oct: Inception quizzes held alongside regular lectures.
- 8-12 Jan (2024): Resumption of 2nd semester examinations.
- 15-19 Jan: Continued examinations.
- 26 Jan: End of the 2nd semester examinations and the conclusion of the 2022/2023 session.
General Academic Activities
- 10 Oct: Departmental board convenes to deliberate on first semester results.
- 12 Oct: Faculty board meets for similar purposes.
- 13 Oct: Results portal for the first semester gets closed.
- 20-24 Nov: Dedicated as Students’ week.
- 24 Nov: Deadline for submitting mid-semester results.
- 27 Nov – 1 Dec: Revision week in preparation for examinations.
- 3 Nov: Interdenominational prayer session for the student body.
Post Examination Activities and 2024 Resumption
- 8 Jan (2024): Kick-off of the 3-month Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) for relevant students.
- 12 Feb: Start of the 2023/2024 academic year and submission of examination scripts alongside students’ results.
- 13-14 Feb: Departmental board assembles to review the 2nd semester results of 2022/2023.
- 15-16 Feb: Faculty board convenes for a similar purpose.
- 22 Feb: Results portal for the second semester is closed.
- 26 Feb: A special day commemorating the founders of AE-FUNAI and a convocation ceremony.
Concluding Remarks
This calendar serves as an essential guide for students to navigate their academic commitments efficiently. It behoves every student of AE-FUNAI to be abreast of these dates and optimise their study schedules accordingly.