Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, part time degree programme (PTDP) is the office responsible for the administration of FUNAAB part time courses and admission. This is to inform the general public that FUNAAB part time degree programme has published the list of part time courses offered in FUNAAB and the admission requirements for candidates who are interested in furthering their education via FUNAAB part time programme.
Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Continuing Education Programme admission office receives one of the highest application form every academic session from applicants and here we shall be discussing about FUNAAB part time courses and their admission requirements so if you are interested in applying for this programme, then this post is for you.
Most times candidates seeking admission into FUNAAB via part time confuse the full time courses for part time courses. They just assume that any course offered in FUNAAB undergraduate full time degree programme is equally offered under FUNAAB part time degree programmes but this is not always the scenario.
UTME students that selected FUNAAB in their UTME and could not gain admission now go for part time programmes and the good news is that the certificate awarded to part time graduates is exactly the same with full time degree programme so there is no discrimination.
FUNAAB part time courses for this semester have been listed below, however, some courses offered in full time are not available in part time programmes due to time constraints.
Here, courses under the faculty of education are the most applied courses under part time studies in FUNAAB. There are also part time courses under faculty of social sciences but quite few in number. Part time programmes are only available under faculty of social sciences and education.
Do you know that you do not require JAMB in order to gain admission into FUNAAB part time degree programmes, all that is required is to get your correct O’level results and must be at least 18 years of age to be qualified to purchase FUNAAB part time admission form. In the cause of writing this article, we shall also provide the approved entry admission requirements to study any of the part-time courses offered in FUNAAB as at today.
Most candidates or applicants often complain using the following statements “the course i applied for was not given to me, what should i do? i met all the admission requirements yet i was not offered admission, how do I apply for FUNAAB part time degree programme? what are the part time courses offered in FUNAAB, what are the requirements to apply for FUNAAB part time degree programme?, what is FUNAAB part time admission cut off mark?
The above questions have one answer which is, meeting the admission requirements. Any candidate that does meet the FUNAAB part time admission requirement automatically is not eligible for admission and there are no two ways about it.
One common requirement for FUNAAB part-time courses is that they all require O’level results with at least five (5) credit passes which must include English language and mathematics and any other three (3) O’Level subjects as it relates to their course of study. See below for full requirements according to FUNAAB School of Continuing Education.
FUNAAB Part Time Admission Requirements
FUNAAB PTDP entry requirements are practically the same for UTME full time programmes in the University. Candidates seeking admission into UNAAB Part-time Degree Programmes must have obtained at least 5 O’ level credit passes in West Africa School Certificate (WAEC), Senior Secondary Certificate (SSCE), Examinations or National Examination Council (NECO), General Certificate of Education (GCE) or its equivalent in the following subjects:
- English Language
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Biology or Agricultural Science
In addition to the above, candidates who possess NCE/OND or HND Certificates in related courses from Institutions recognized by the Senate of FUNAAB are also eligible to apply.
Upon meeting the above admission requirements, below are the list of part time courses offered in FUNAAB.
List of Part Time Courses Offered In FUNAAB
Bachelor of Agriculture with options in:
- Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- Agricultural Administration
Bachelor of Agriculture with options in:
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal production and Health
- Pasture and Range Management
- Animal Physiology
Bachelor of Engineering with options in:
- Agricultural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Bachelor of Environmental Management and Toxicology
- Bachelor of Forestry and Wildlife Management
- Bachelor of Water Resources Management and Agro-Meteorology
- Bachelor of Science with options in:
- Biochemistry
- Biology Sciences (Botany and Zoology options)
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Microbiology
- Physics
Bachelor of Agriculture with options in:
- Crop Production
- Horticulture
iii. Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
- Plant Physiology and Crop Production
- Soil Science and Land Management
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine with options in:
- Veterinary Anatomy
- Veterinary Pharmacology
- Veterinary Physiology
- Food Science and Technology
- Food service and Tourism
Home Science and Management
- Nutrition and Dietetics
The list of part time courses offered in FUNAAB as well as their admission requirement must be first confirmed before applying for FUNAAB part time application form as this would help you to know if you are qualified for applying or not.
Is this well understood? we are open to questions if you have any, please reach us via the comment section below and we shall respond as fast as possible.