FUNAAB re-affirms its decision on students' Dress Code

FUNAAB re-affirms  its decision on students' Dress Code

Senate at its Statutory Meeting held on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 considered the Issue of Dress Code at it affects students of the University, Senate re-affirmed its earlier decision on Students' Dress Code as enshrined in the University's Students Regulation with great emphasis on facial identification of all students at all times within the University.

For the Farm Practical Year, the approved Dress Code is for students to wear green jumpsuit, rain-boot and hand gloves for their convenience and personal safety on the farms during the year.

Students are reminded that they all pledged to abide by this Dress Code in their Matriculation Oath.

Senate reiterated the fact that its decision on Dress Code was taken without prejudice to any religion, race or creed but for the peace and security of every member of the University Community and to promote teaching and learning in a conducive atmosphere.

All members of the University Community particularly students are therefore reminded that NO change has been approved to the Dress Code put in place since 2017 by Senate and should be strictly adhered to at all times.

Thank you.

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