![FUNAAB Job Vacancies - 2016 [Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff]](https://schoolgist.ng/storage/postFiles/FUNNAB.jpg)
The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill in the following Academic and Non Academic vacancies in the Institution.
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB calls for applications into the following academic and non-academic vacant positions.
FUNAAB Academic Positions & Requirements.
College of Agricultural Management & Rural Development (COLAMRUD)
- Department of Agricultural Administration
- Lecturer II (Agric. Administration/Agric. Extension)
- Department of Communication & General Studies
- Lecturer II (Political Science)
College of Animal Science & Livestock Production (COLANIM)
- Department of Pasture & Range Management
- Lecturer II (Pasture Agronomy / Pasture Agronomy & Utilization)
College of Biosciences (COLBIOS)
- Department of Microbiology
- Lecturer II (Medical & Pharmaceutical Microbiology)
- Department of Pure & Applied Botany
- Lecturer II (Plant Pathology / Plant Taxonomy & Biosystematics)
- Department of Pure & Applied Zoology
- Lecturer II (Entomology)
College of Engineering (COLENG)
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Lecturer II (Structural Engineering)
- Department of Electrical / Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer II (Control Engineering)
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering
- Lecturer II (Design / Modelling & Stimulating Robotics Engineering)
College of Environmental Resources Management (COLERM)
- Department of Environmental Management & Toxicology
- Lecturer II (Biochemistry)
- Department of Forestry & Wildlife Management
- Lecturer II (Forestry Biometrics & Remote Sensing)
College of Food Science & Human Ecology (COLFHEC)
- Department of Home Science & Management
- Lecturer II (Child Development & Family Studies / Home Science Extension & Rural Development)
College of Management Sciences (COLMAS)
- Department of Banking & Finance
- Lecturer I (Development Finance & Investment)
- Department of Economics
- Lecturer II (Behavioural Economics)
- Department of Entrepreneurial Studies
- Lecturer II (Business Administration)
College of Physical Sciences (COLPHYS)
- Department of Computer Science
- Lecturer II (Programming & Network)
- Department of Mathematics
- Lecturer II (Numerical Analysis)
- Department of Physics
- Lecturer II (Condensed Matter)
- Department of Statistics
- Lecturer II
College of Plant Science & Crop Production (COLPLANT)
- Department of Crop Protection
- Lecturer II (Bacterial Plant Pathology)
- Department of Plant Physiology & Crop Production
- Lecturer II (Crop Physiology)
College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET)
- Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology
- Lecturer I (Vet. Pharmacology)
- Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
- Lecturer I (Vet. Surgery)
- ‘NimbeAdedipe Library
- Assistant Librarian
Lecturer I – CONUASS 04
Candidates should have Ph.D. in the area of specialization, where vacancy exists for the position as listed above with three years post-doctoral teaching or professional experience and having demonstrated ability for research work / evidence of scholarship, in addition to a good Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the relevant fields. In addition, for the College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET), candidates must be registered with the relevant professional body.
Lecturer II – CONUASS 03
Candidates should have Ph.D. in the area of specialization, where vacancy exists for the position as listed above, in addition to a good Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the relevant fields. In addition, candidates must be registered with the relevant professional body.
Assistant Librarian – CONUASS 02
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Computer Science and Master’s Degree in Library Studies & Information Science.
FUNAAB Non-Academic Positions & Requirements
Director, Internal Audit
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Accounting from a recognised University. A higher degree will be an added advantage. In addition, candidates should possess a professional qualification such as ACA, CNA, ACCA, CPA and ACNA with a minimum of fifteen (15) years relevant post-qualification cognate experience, four (4) of which must be as a Deputy Director or equivalent post in a Federal University. Candidate must be computer literate. The appointment shall be for a period of five (5) years in the first instance and may be renewed for a further period of one (1) year only.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15 (N4,372,827.00 – N5,631,083.00)
Director, Physical Planning
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Architecture, Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Building Technology, Town Planning and Land Surveying. In addition, they are expected to possess a higher degree in a relevant field and must be registered with relevant professional body such as NSE, COREN, ARCON, etc. Candidate should have at least fifteen (15) years post-qualification cognate experience with a minimum of four (4) years as Deputy Director in a Federal University.The appointment shall be for a period of five (5) years in the first instance and may be renewed for a further period of one (1) year only.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15 (N4,372,827.00 – N5,631,083.00)
Director, Directorate of Technologists and Technical Staff (DITTECS)
Candidates should possess HND/Final Diploma or good honours degree in a relevant field. In addition, they are expected to possess M.Sc. degree and must be registered with relevant professional body such as NATE COREN, etc. Candidate should have at least fifteen (15) years post-qualification cognate experience with a minimum of four (4) years as Senior Chief Laboratory Scientist / Technologist or Deputy Director in a Federal University. The appointment shall be for a period of five (5) years in the first instance and may be renewed for a further period of one (1) year only.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15 (N4,372,827.00 – N5,631,083.00)
Director, Directorate of University Farms (DUFARMS)
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture or related discipline from a recognized University. In addition, they are expected to possess a higher degree in a relevant field and must be registered with relevant professional body. Candidates should have at least fifteen (15) years post-qualification experience with a minimum of four (4) years as Deputy Director in a Federal University.The appointment shall be for a period of five (5) years in the first instance and may be renewed for a further period of one (1) year only.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15 (N4,372,827.00 – N5,631,083.00)
Deputy Registrar I, Registry
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Humanities/Social Sciences from a recognised University. A higher degree from a relevant field is required. In addition, candidates should be a member of a relevant professional body such as ANUPA, NIM, IPM or AUA with a minimum of fifteen (15) years relevant post-qualification cognate experience, five (5) of which must be as a Deputy Registrar in a Federal University. Candidate must be computer literate.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15 (N4,372,827.00 – N5,631,083.00)
Deputy Registrar II, Registry
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Humanities/Social Sciences from a recognised University. A higher degree from a relevant field is required. In addition, candidates should be a member of a relevant professional body such as ANUPA, NIM, IPM or AUA with a minimum of fourteen (14) years relevant post-qualification cognate experience, five (5) of which must be as a Principal Assistant Registrar in a Federal University. Candidate must be computer literate.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 14 (N3,637,919.00 – N4,737,055.00)
Deputy Bursar II, Bursary
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Accounting from a recognised University. A higher degree will be an added advantage. In addition, candidates should possess a professional qualification such as ACA, CNA, ACCA, CPA, ACNA or any other equivalent qualification with a minimum of fourteen (14) years relevant post-qualification cognate experience, five (5) of which must be as a Chief Accountant in a Federal University. Candidate must be computer literate.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 14 (N3,637,919.00 – N4,737,055.00)
Deputy Director II, University Farms
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture or related discipline from a recognized University. In addition, they are expected to possess a higher degree in a relevant field and must be registered with relevant professional body. Candidate should have at least fourteen (14) years post-qualification cognate experience with a minimum of five (5) years as Chief Agricultural Officer in a Federal University.
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 14 (N3,637,919.00 – N4,737,055.00)
Principal Medical Officer I, Health Services – (CONMESS 6)
Candidates should possess M.B.B.S. or MB. BCh or equivalent qualifications from a recognized University. In addition, the candidates must be registered with Medical/Dental Council of Nigeria. Candidates should have at least fifteen (15) years post full registration cognate experience with a minimum of five (5) years as Principal Medical Officer II in a Federal University.
The salary attached to this position is CONMESS 6 – (N4,802,304.96 – N5,904,920.04)
These are as obtainable in the Public Service of Nigeria and the University System.
How to Apply for FUNAAB Job Vacancy.
Candidates should address their applications with twenty (20) copies of their Credentials and Curriculum Vitae in the order stated below:
(i) Name in Full: (Surname First in Capital Letters)
(ii) Date of Birth:
(iii) Place of Birth:
(iv) Age:
(v) Sex:
vi) Marital Status:
vii) Nationality:
viii) Town and State of Origin:
(ix) Local Government:
(x) Senatorial District:
(xi) Contact Address:
(xii) Phone Number:
(xiii) E-mail Address:
(xiv) Present Employer:
(xv) Present Post and Salary (Both level & amount):
(xvi) Post Applied for:
(i) Educational Institutions Attended (with dates)
(ii) Academic and Professional Qualifications (with dates)
(iii) Prizes, Honours, National and International Recognitions
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Signature Date
Applicants should request their three nominated referees to forward their reports under confidential cover, to:
The Registrar,
Federal University of Agriculture,
P. M. B. 2240,
Ogun State.
CLOSING DATE: All applications must be received not later than six (6) weeks from the date of this publication. Only applications from candidates shortlisted for interview will be acknowledged.
SchoolGist Team