The closing date for the sales of application forms for both JUPEB and Pre-Degree programmes is now December 20, 2023. Installment payments of the school charges are now available for both JUPEB and Pre-Degree programmes.
The first instalment of 60%, and then a second instalment of 40%
NOTE: The first instalment of 60% of the school charges MUST be paid on or before December 20, 2023, while the second instalment of 40% of the school charges MUST be paid on or before February 20, 2024.
The resumption date for the JUPEB admitted students still stands at September 1, 2023. The resumption date for the Pre-Degree admitted students still stands at November 1, 2023. By the respective resumption dates above, you are expected to begin to attend your lectures, while you MUST make efforts to pay your School Charges at the stipulated dates above. Click the respective link below for the application guidelines.