FULOKOJA Introduces Instalment Payment for JUPEB, Pre-Degree

FULOKOJA Introduces Instalment Payment for JUPEB, Pre-Degree

The Federal University Lokoja (FULOKOJA) has demonstrated its commitment to facilitating accessible education by introducing instalment payment options for their Joint University Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) and Pre-Degree Programmes. This new financial arrangement allows candidates to split their academic charges into two manageable portions: an initial payment of 60% followed by a subsequent instalment of 40%.

Important Dates to Remember: Payment Deadlines and Penalties

The inaugural instalment, constituting 60% of the total academic charges, is mandatory to be settled on or before December 20, 2023. Failing to adhere to this deadline may result in academic repercussions, which the institution wishes all students to avoid.

The concluding instalment, accounting for the remaining 40%, is due on or before February 20, 2024. It’s crucial for candidates to observe these timelines diligently to avert unnecessary academic complications.

Key Information on Resumption Dates for JUPEB and Pre-Degree Programmes

For JUPEB Candidates

The prescribed resumption date for students who have gained admission into the JUPEB programme remains fixed at September 1, 2023.

For Pre-Degree Candidates

Similarly, those admitted into the Pre-Degree programme should note that their resumption is scheduled for November 1, 2023.

By these specified dates, students are expected to be present and commence their lectures without fail. It is imperative that students remain vigilant about remitting their academic charges within the stipulated time frames.

Guidance for Further Procedures and Enquiries

For further information about application guidelines and payment procedures, prospective students can refer to the appropriate links on the Federal University Lokoja website.

Contact Points for Additional Support

Should you encounter any difficulties or require additional clarification, the University has provided dedicated helplines and email channels for assistance:

  • Helpline Numbers: 08036294440, 08064140149
  • Email Support: fuljupeb@gmail.com, fuljupeb@fulokoja.edu.ng

Final Thoughts: Keeping Up With Academic Commitments

The introduction of instalment payment options at Federal University Lokoja exemplifies the institution’s commitment to easing the financial burden on students. However, adhering to the payment and resumption schedules is an integral aspect of maintaining one’s academic standing at the university.

So, why wait? Plan your finances, mark those dates, and take the steps you need to secure your academic future at Federal University Lokoja today!

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