The Governing Council of the Federal University of Lafia announces that the position of Vice-Chancellor of the University will be vacant in February 2021. In accordance with the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provision) (Amendment) No.11 Act 1993, as amended, the Governing Council invites applications from interested and suitably qualified candidates with experience in University administration for the post.
Federal University of Lafia was established in February 2011 with the mandate to increase access and quality of university education in Nigeria. The University is in Lafia, the capital of Nasarawa State. It currently has a College of Medicine, a Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development, two Schools (School of Basic and Remedial Studies and School of Postgraduate Studies), eight (8) Faculties with fifty (50) undergraduate and forty-six (46) postgraduate programmes.
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and Academic Officer of the University. He/She is responsible for the academic, physical, and infrastructural development of the University through proper utilization of resources of the University. The Vice-Chancellor ensures not only high-level academic and moral discipline, but also adequate welfare for both staff and students as well as peace, stability, and good governance in the University. In addition, the Vice-Chancellor establishes good relations with external agencies and organisations, both national and international, and attracts resources and benefactions for the University. Specifically, the candidate must; –
i. Have spent not less than twenty (20) years uninterrupted service of teaching and research in Public University.
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ii. Be a highly distinguished scholar of the rank of professor of not less than eight (8) years’ experience by February 10, 2021, with the ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University.
iii. Have a good understanding of the vision and mission of the University. He/she should provide a vision statement not exceeding 1,000 words.
iv. Be able to attract research grants and complimentary funds from Local and International agencies, and further uplift the academic status of the University.
v. Possess personal integrity in the management of funds and be able to deploy financial resources as appropriate in the context of the University’s strategic plan.
vi. Be free from any form of financial embarrassment
vii. Demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills, possess the ability to build bridges between staff, students and members of the University Community and other stakeholders.
viii. Have demonstrable abilities to establish and maintain partnership with Local and International organisations as well as Government agencies.
ix. Be an individual who, judging from his/her track records, is likely to command respect as well as the loyalty of the members of staff and University Community.
x. Be able to demonstrate the ability to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled and talented staff (Teaching and Non-teaching).
xi. Be able to exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract extra statutory funds and mobilise other resources for the development of the University.
xii. Have excellent written and spoken communication skills.
xiii. Be in position to ensure the enforcement of the University’s laws and regulations.
xiv. Be information and technology proficient and be committed to the development of ICT into the University programmes and services.
xv. Be of excellent physical and mental health.
Conditions of service are as applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in Nigerian Federal Universities, as may be determined by the Federal Government from time to time.
The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years.
Eligible candidates should not be more than sixty-five (65) years old at the time of assumption of office on February 11, 2021.
How to Apply for the Post of Vice-Chancellor at FULAFIA.
Each applicant is required to submit thirty (30) copies of application which must be accompanied with thirty (30) copies of the candidate’s detailed Curriculum Vitae signed and dated by the candidate and photocopies of credentials. The Curriculum Vitae is to contain the following information:
1. Full Name.
2. Date of Birth.
3. Nationality.
4. Permanent Home Address.
5. Marital Status.
6. Number of Children.
7. Institutions attended (with dates).
8. Academic Qualifications (with dates).
9. Professional Qualifications (with dates).
10. Institutions and Names of postgraduate students Supervised and dates graduated.
11. Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies and Professional Bodies.
12. Outstanding Publications, discoveries, or inventions.
13. Working experience in the University system giving names of institutions and dates.
14. Details of administrative, fund-attraction and managerial experience in the University system.
15. Specific services to local, national and international communities (with dates, institutions/establishments and status).
16. Present employment, status, salary and employer.
17. A statement of the candidate’s vision for the University in the next five (5) years in not more than 1000 words (30 copies).
18. Extra-curricular activities; and
19. Names and addresses of three (3) referees who should be requested to forward their referee’s reports to the Registrar under confidential cover, not later than the closing date of this advertisement. Referees are please requested to state the strengths and weaknesses of candidates.
All short-listed candidates will be invited for interaction with the Joint Council and Senate Selection Board.
Applications should be submitted in sealed envelopes, marked at the top left corner, “Application for the post of Vice-Chancellor”, to the Registrar and Secretary to Council, Federal University of Lafia, P.M.B. 146, Lafia, Nasarawa State, not later than six weeks from the date of this publication.