Federal University, Kashere (FUK) has matriculated 1,569 students from different segment of the country for 2016/2017 Academic Session.
In a speech, he Vice Chancellor, Professor Alhassan Gani, said the past performances of the institution in terms of student output, quality of teaching and conducive learning earned them the attention and they are striving to sustain the effort in providing quality education.
The VC further charged the students to take their studies seriously by promptly attending lectures, reporting all assignments and participating in all other academic activities enshrined in the curriculum.
He said he is determined to see the institution become a centre of learning, he mentioned their achievements within a short period of time which includes; accreditation of its programmes and the expansion of the University Clinic into a health Centre.
He further stated that the University has four Faculties, 19 Academic Departments and 34 Academic programmes which out of the 22 Degree programmes presented to the National Universities Commission (NUC) for accreditation, all the five programmes in Faculty of Science and four in Faculty of Humanities secured full status while the rest were given interim.
He extended his gratitude to the president for allocating funds for the construction of buildings for faculties of Agriculture and Education and Chancellery for administration in the University.