This is to inform you and address an important issue that affects many of us, the increment of house rents for off-campus accommodation. It is crucial that we understand the importance of avoiding rent increases without any corresponding improvements or renovations to the renyed property.
Living off-campus can be challenging experience, and one of the major concern is the rising cost of the rent. We must collectively stand against landlords who unjustifiably increased rent without providing any enhancement to the house. As tenants, its within or rights to demand fair treatment and reasonable rent rates for the property we occupy.
The Student Union Government under the leadership of Comr. Muhammed Suleiman Abubakar (Mash) would like to call your attention the effort of our cooperative students union who is working diligently to address this issue. SUG is dedicated to advocating for students rights and ensure a fair living environment for all. By cooperating and joining forces with the SUG, we can make a significant impact in curbing the unjust rent increases that burdens many of us.