The Federal University Dutse announces the sale of application form for admission into Remedial Programme for 2020/2021 Academic Session from Monday, 26th October 2020.
Candidates applying for this Programme must have at least twe (2) credits and two passes at O' level in Sciences er Arts subject (in not more than two sittings)
Subject Combinations are as follows:
Arts and Social Sciences:
1. R.A.1 Government, Geography, Economics
2. R.A.2 Government, Mathematics, Economics
3. R.A.3 Government, Lit in English, Economics
1. RS1 Biology, Physics, Chemistry
2. RS2 Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
3. RS3 Biology, Chemistry, Geography
Application form can be obtained at No, S258 Daurawa Quarters Oyo Rugayya House, Maiduguri Road, Kano or FUD MicroFinance Bank. Federal University Dutse on payment of non refundable fee of Five Thousand Naira (N5,000) only at any branch of Fidelity Bank with following details "Federal University Dutse Consultancy Services Limited 4011303759.
Completed Appiication fom should be returned to FUD Remedial Campus S258 Daurawa Quarters Opp. Rugayya House, Maiduguri Road, Kano.
Closing Date:
Application Form will close on 17th January 2021
Contact us:
FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES, Call 08037032235, O8055509700
Dr. Nasir Ahmad Sarkin Don