FUDMA IJMB Admission Form 2023/2024 Session Out - How To Apply

FUDMA IJMB Admission Form 2023/2024 Session Out - How To Apply

Federal University, Dustin-Ma also referred to as FUDMA has announced the sale of her IJMB admission form for 2024/2025 academic session at the cost of five thousand naira only (₦5,000.00) only and application are being received for admission for the 2024/2025 academic session. The management has announced the sale of its IJMB admission form and application are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme for 2024/2025 session.

Federal University, Dustin-Ma IJMB admission form for 2024/2025 academic session, how to apply for FUDMA IJMB admission form online via FUDMA IJMB webportal, the cost of FUDMA IJMB admission form and the closing date for submission of all completed IJMB admission forms for 2024/2025 academic session are what I will be guiding you through now that the form is out. The application link is also embedded on this post so you can kick off your application as soon as you are through reading this post in order to meet up with the submission deadline.

The programme leads to the award of IJMB certificate which enables candidates gain Direct Entry Admissions into Federal University, Dustin-Ma and other IJMB-affiliated Universities in Nigeria and Abroad.

All candidate will be clear on how to go about the registration because I will break down the required steps you need in applying for their IJMB admission form in the simplest form so new and prospective candidates can easily understand the steps required by the polytechnic. However, applicants that have previously registered and participated in the previous registration exercise but did not make it through can equally gain form this information being published here.

I will be guiding you through the following:

  • FUDMA IJMB registration procedure for 2024/2025 academic session
  • FUDMA IJMB Entry admission requirements
  • Subject Combination for all Courses
  • How to apply for FUDMA IJMB application form online
  • FAQs and answers on FUDMA IJMB by current and past candidates
  • FUDMA IJMB admission form closing date

Below are the list of FAQ on FUDMA IJMB admission forms;

Is FUDMA IJMB admission form out?

How much is FUDMA IJMB admission form?

When will FUDMA IJMB admission form be out?

Please when is Federal University, Dustin-Ma IJMB entrance exam starting?

Please I want to know if FUDMA IJMB registration has started.

Please when is FUDMA IJMB application form closing date?

How can I apply for FUDMA IJMB admission form?

FAQs on FUDMA IJMB Application FormAnswers To FAQs on FUDMA IJMB admission form
Is FUDMA IJMB admission form out?FUDMA IJMB admission form for registration is out.
When will FUDMA IJMB admission forms be out?FUDMA IJMB application form for 2024/2025 session is currently on sale.
What are the IJMB subject combinations?Kindly scroll down, I have made available, the complete subject combination for all available courses.
Please I want to know if FUDMA IJMB registration is in progress?Currently the FUDMA IJMB admission form registration online has started.
Please when is FUDMA IJMB admission form closing date?FUDMA IJMB admission form closing date is 22nd October 2024.
What is the duration of the IJMB programme?The duration of the programme is one academic session.
How much is FUDMA IJMB admission Form?FUDMA IJMB admission form is five thousand naira only (₦5,000.00) only.
How can I apply for FUDMA IJMB programme?FUDMA IJMB registration procedure has been provided below as approved by the management of the polytechnic.

The above are the most frequently asked questions on FUDMA form for prospective and current UTME applicants and the best possible answers. Go through them carefully as it would assist you in the application process.


The following IJMB Programmes are available;

  1. Agricultural Science
  2. Arts
  3. Computer and Artificial Intelligent
  4. Educations
  5. Engineering Technology
  6. Environmental Science
  7. Life Sciences
  8. Management Sciences
  9. Medical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Renewables Resources

FUDMA IJMB Admission Eligibility, Duration and Subject Combinations


For IJMB studies:- A candidate should possess at least five (5) Credit in English, Mathematics and three (3) Subjects combination in any of the following IJMB Courses: (Life/Medical Science, Physical Science/Engineering Technology, Social Sciences, Environmental Science, Arts, Educations, Agricultural Science, Renewables Resources)

Duration of Programme:

  • 12 months (2 Academic Semesters) June, 2022 – May, 2023.

Subject Combinations:

Below are the approved IJMB subject combinations.

001O/L English only
002O/L Mathematics only
003O/L English and Mathematics
004Accounting, Business Management and A/L MathematicsAccounting, Business Administration., PA, BAF, MK
005Accounting, Business Management and EconomicsAccounting, Business Administration, Economics, PA, BAF, MK
006Accounting, Business Management and GeographyAccounting, Business Administration, PA, BAF, MK
007Accounting Government, Business Management and GovernmentAccounting, Business Administration, PA, BAF, MK
008Accounting, Business Management and SociologyAccounting, Business Administration, Sociology, PA, BAF, MK
009Accounting, Economics and GeographyAccounting, Business Administration, Economics, PA, BAF, MK, URP
011Accounting, Economics and GovernmentAccounting, Business Administration, Economics, BAF, MK, MC
012Accounting, Economics and SociologyAccounting, Business Administration, Economics, Sociology, BAF, MK, MC
013Accounting, Geography and A/L MathematicsAccounting, Business Administration, Geography PA, BAF, MK, URP
014Accounting, Geography and GovernmentAccounting, Business Administration, Geography, PA, BAF, MK
015Accounting, Geography and SociologyAccounting, Business Administration, Sociology, MC, PA, BAF, MK
016Accounting, Government and A/L MathematicsAccounting, Business Administration, Public Admin., BAF, MK
017Accounting, Government and SociologyAccounting, Business Administration, Sociology, Political Science, Inter. Studies, PA, MC, BAF, MK
020Arabic, Government and Hausa
021Arabic, Government and Islamic StudiesPolitical Science, Inter. Studies, MC., Single honours
022Arabic, Hausa and HistoryArchaeology (ABU); MC., Political Science, Inter Studies, Single honours
023Arabic, Hausa and Islamic studiesSingle honours
024Arabic, Hausa and LiteratureLaw, single honours
025Arabic, History and Islamic studiesLaw, Political Science, Inter. Studies, Archaeology, Single honours
026Arabic, History and LiteratureSingle honours, Law, MC, Political Science, Inter Studies, Archaeology
027Biology, Chemistry and A/L MathematicsMedicine, Vet. Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry., Microbiology, Agric. Science, Text. Sci., Single honours
028Biology, Chemistry and GeographyAgric Science., Archaeology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology
029Biology, Chemistry and GeologySingle Honours, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Text. Sci. Physiology, Agric. Sci. Archaeology
039Biology, Chemistry and PhysicsMedicine, Vet. Medicine; Agric. Sciences; Engineering; Textile Science and Tech, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Geophysics, Agric. Sci, Archaeology, Microbiology
031Business Management, Economics and A/L MathematicsBusiness Administration., Economics, Accounting, URP, BAF, MK
032Business Management, Economics and GeographyBusiness Administration., Economics, Accounting, URP, BAF, MK
033Business Management, Economics and GovernmentBusiness Administration., Political Science, Inter. Studies, PA; Economics; MC, Accounting, BAF, MK
034Business Management and Economics, SociologyBusiness Administration., Accounting, PA, BAF
035Business Management, Geography and A/L MathematicsBusiness Administration, Environmental Science, Accounting, PA, BAF, MK
036Business Management, Geography and GovernmentPublic Admin; Business Administration, Accounting, BAF, MK
037Business Management, Geography and SociologyBusiness Administration, Sociology, MK, Accounting, BAF, PA
038Business Management, Government and SociologyBusiness Administration, PA; Sociology, Political Science, Inter. Studies, MK, Accounting, BAF
039Chemistry, Geography and A/L MathematicsEnvironmental Science, Engineering, Archaeology, Agric Science, Text. Science.
040Chemistry, Geography and PhysicsEnvironmental Science, Engineering, Archaeology, Agric Science, Text. Science.
041Chemistry Geology and A/L MathematicsEnvironmental science, Engineering, Agric Science, Archaeology, Text. Sci.
042Chemistry, Geology and PhysicsEnvironmental Science, Engineering, Archaeology, Agric Science., Text. Sci., Single Honours
043Chemistry, Physics and A/L MathematicsEngineering, Text. Sci., Environmental Science, Computer Science, Agric Science, Geophysics
044CRS, Government and HausaSingle Honours, Political Science, Inter. Studies, PA, MC
045CRS, Government LiteratureSingle Honours, Law, PA; Political Science, Inter. Studies, MC
046CRS, Hausa and HistorySingle Honours; Political Science, PA; Inter. Studies; Archaeology (ABU); MC
047CRS, Hausa and LiteratureSingle Honours; Law
048CRS, History and LiteratureSingle honours; Law, MC, Political Science, Inter. Studies
049Economics, Geography and A/L MathematicsEnvironmental Science, URP; Single Honours, Accounting, BAF, PA, MK
050Economics, Geography and GovernmentURP; Accounting, PA, BAF, MK, MC, Single Honours
051Economics, Geography and SociologyURP; Single Honours, Accounting, PA, BAF
052Geography, Government and A/L MathematicsPA; Political Science, Inter Studies, Economics, MC, Accounting, BAF, Single Honours
053Geography, Government and SociologyEconomics, Political Science, Inter. Studies, PA, Sociology, MC, Accounting, BAF
060Geography, Government and A/L MathematicsEnvironmental Science, Political Science, Inter Studies, Geography, Public Admin.
061Geography, Government and SociologyURP, Sociology, PA, Political Science, Geography, International Studies
062Geography, History and SociologySingle Honours, Political Science, Inter Studies; Public Admin, Sociology
063Geography, Physics and A/L MathematicsSingle Honours, Environmental Science, Envineering (Not Chemical Engr), Computer Science, Quantity Survey, Geophysics
064Geology, Physics and A/L MathematicsSingle Honours, Environmental Science, Engineering, Archaeology (Ibadan), Computer Science, Geophysics
065Government, Hausa and Islamic StudiesSingle Honours, PA, Political Science, Inter Studies
066Government, Islamic Studies and LiteratureSingle Honours, PA, Political Science, Inter Studies, Law, Archaeology, MC
067Hausa, History and LiteratureSingle Honours, PA, Political Science Inter Studies, Law, Archaeology, MC
068Hausa, Islamic Studies and HistorySingle Honours, Public Admin, Political Science, Inter Studies
069Hausa, Islamic Studies and LiteratureSingle Honours, Law
070History, Islamic Studies and LiteratureSingle Honours, Inter Studies, PA, Political Science, MC, Law, Archaeology
071Sociology, Arabic and LiteratureSingle Honours, Law, MC
073Sociology, Hausa and LiteratureSingle Honours, Law, MC

Key Abbreviations

  • PA = Public Administration
  • BAF = Banking and Finance
  • MK = Marketing
  • AE = Agricultural Engineering
  • MC = Mass Communication
  • URP = Urban and Regional Planning

How to Apply for Federal University Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) IJMB Admission Form

All interested candidates are advised to follow the below procedures:

Step 1 – Visit our application portal at http://ijmb.fudutsinma.edu.ng/ application, locate and click start application at the bottom left corner of the page.

Step 2 – Fill and submit the “Application Form”.

Step 3 – A “Payment Transaction Slip” is generated for you; on it you will find your unique Transactions ID for making payments, as well as your application form Number.

Step 4 – Print a copy of your payment Transactions slip, and proceed to pay a non-refundable Fee of five thousand naira only (₦5,000.00)using the payment procedure highlighted below.

How To Make Payment

Step 1 – Visit any First Bank Nig. Plc or any e-Payment service

Step 2 – Make a deposit in account name of “ FUDMA CONSULT”

Step 3 – On the “Account Number” 2032516632

Step 4 – On the “ Name of Service/Purpose” IJMB Application Form option

Step 5 – On the “Description” box type “ IJMB Application Form”

Step 6 – On the “ Amount to pay” a non-refundable fee of Five Thousand Naira(₦5,000.00) only

Step 7 – On the purpose box type “IJMB Application Form” completes the form.

Step 8 – Email your Receipt and Application Form Transaction ID to ijmb@fudutsinma.edu.ng

Step 9 – Returns to the portal (http//ijmb.fudutsinma.edu.ng/application) after forty eight (48) hours and enter your Application Form Number and email address to continue your Application

Step 10 – Complete and submit the admission form with the correct info.

FUDMA IJMB Admission Form Submission Deadline

The management has announced that Friday 22nd October, 2024 is the deadline for submission of all completed IJMB admission forms.

I hope this has helped? Do you have any questions as regards FUDMA IJMB admission form? Please reach out to us via the comment section or our contact us page and we shall

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