This is to inform All 100l students that the hostel application portal for new students has been reopened today being 12th of November 2021, therefore all 100l Students that failed to apply the first time should see this as a second opportunity.
Note that the application is only for 100l Students and shall last till Wednesday of next week being 17th of Nov. 2021, Moreso, the release of the final anticipated hostel list has been shifted to next week.
All concerned students should be informed.
2.All Students that have been allocated block I & J in South core should be informed that the hostels would not be opened till 22nd of November 2021, hence we are advising all those that paid for the block to use this available time for balloting as they can also reside temporary in block C till the new blocks are opened..
3.The university is to refund 5000 naira to all those that paid for accommodation in block I & J in 2019/2020 Academic session but were accommodated in block C, therefore the Affected Students should see the supervisor of block C as from Monday being 15th of November 2021 for refund.
Thanks and be informed..