This is to inform Final year students of foundation College of Technology to take note of the following;
(i) Registration of Project & Choosing of Supervisors:
All final year students are requested to register for project with their Heads of Departments on presentation of evidence of complete semester fees or at least 50% of the fees. During the registration process, project students are to choose their supervisors. The project registration commences on resumption date, Monday, 28th March 2022 and ends on Friday, 22nd April 2022. Thereafter, late registration of project attracts a penalty of N3, 500 as contained in the academic calendar.
(ii) Selection of project topics:
Each project student is required to select three project topics and write them down in order of preference. The list of the proposed topics should be presented to their supervisors for recommendation.
(iii) Approval of project topics:
Each project student is required to submit the list of recommended topics to their respective Heads of Departments for approval. The receipt of payment for the approved fees or at least 50% of the fees should be attached to the list. The Head of Department is expected to forward the approved topics in their respective students’ files to the Rector’s office for vetting before publishing same.
(iv) Project Defence:
The project defence is scheduled as follows:
Date: Friday, 15th July 2022
Time: 9.00 am
The conditions for project defence are:
(a) Evidence of complete semester fees, project fees and Late Registration fees where applicable;
(b) Cash payment of five thousand naira (N5,000) at the Bursary for Logistics;
(c) Submission of two spiral bound copies of project duly signed by the supervisor.
Please be properly guided