Flinders University Student Access Scholarships - Mid-Year 2023

Flinders University Student Access Scholarships - Mid-Year 2023

The University has established the Flinders University Student Access Scholarships to provide financial support to students from low SES backgrounds who are commencing their first year of undergraduate study at Flinders University and have not completed any previous university studies at any other tertiary institution.

Subject to the availability of funds, scholarships will be available for the first year of study at Flinders University and will be worth $2,500.

About Flinders University

Flinders University is a public university in Adelaide, South Australia. Founded in 1966, it was named in honour of navigator Matthew Flinders, who explored and surveyed the South Australian coastline in the early 19th century. Flinders is a verdant university[citation needed] and a member of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) Group and ranks in the 10-16 bracket in Australia and 36th in the world of those established less than 50 years. Academically, the university pioneered a cross-disciplinary approach to education, and its faculties of medicine and the humanities are ranked amon... read more

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Flinders University Student Access Scholarships

Application Deadline09 Aug 2023
Country to studyAustralia
School to studyFlinders University
SponsorFlinders University
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Flinders University Student Access Scholarships

Subject to the availability of funds, scholarships will be available for the first year of study at Flinders University and will be worth $2,500.

Requirements for Flinders University Student Access Scholarships Qualification

All Scholarship applicants must be:

  • Australian citizens; and
  • Commencing the first year of study in their first undergraduate degree at Flinders University; and
  • Enrolled full-time at Flinders University; and
  • Eligible for, or in receipt of, a Commonwealth Income Support payment, or;
  • Be able to demonstrate financial hardship; and
  • Seeking, or have gained, admission to their course on the basis of their ATAR, VET qualification, Foundation Studies, Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) or Work and Life Experience/Special Entry.

Interview date, Process and Venue for Flinders University Student Access Scholarships

Selection Criteria

Eligible scholarship applicants will be ranked in accordance with their entry score relevant to their pathway to Flinders. 

Scholarships will be awarded within each of the entry pathways.

Application Deadline

August 9, 2023

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted online through the Flinders University Student System. Applicants will need to login and navigate to the My Scholarships tab to submit an application. The application form for this scholarship is called " Flinders University Student Access Scholarships", or you can search for it by the keyword "Access".

The following documentation  will be required as part of the application process:

  • Applicants who are in receipt of a Commonwealth Income Support payment will need to demonstrate evidence of this. This can be done by uploading a recent Centrelink (or DVA) Income Statement which shows you are currently in receipts of government means tested benefits. 
  • Applicants who are not in receipt of a Commonwealth Income Support payment as described above will need to complete the Financial Hardship Form which is downloadable below.

Financial Hardship Form

Submit an application

For more details, visit Flinders University website.

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