French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme 2020

French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme 2020

French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme

The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the four Institutes of Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Marseille.

It welcomes applications from high level international scholars and scientists primarily in the fields of the social sciences and the humanities (SSH). The French Institutes for Advanced Study (FIAS) Fellowship Programme strengthens scholarship and mobility in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) by enlarging and upgrading the offer of scientific residencies in France to international experienced researchers.

French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme Eligibility.

  • Open to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists.
  • The minimum requirement is a PhD + 2 years of research experience at the time of the application. Exception will be made for scholars with a Master + 6 years of full-time research experience after the degree (PhD training will not be considered in the calculation of experience).
  • Researchers from all countries are eligible to the Programme but they have to have spent no more than 12 months in France during the three years prior to the application deadline.

French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme Benefits.

FIAS fellowships offer:

  • A net living allowance (equivalent to take-home pay) of €2,700 per month.
  • Two flexible contractual options, considering individual situations: work contracts or paid leave.
  • Adequate social security coverage.
  • Accommodation or support for relocation.
  • An individual research and training budget equivalent to €2,500 per year.
  • Travel expenses (one round trip from the fellow home country).
  • Same working conditions as the IAS’ other fellows, including individual offices, special access and lending privileges in university-based research libraries, IT services, multiple collective spaces.
  • Skills training opportunities.

How to Apply for French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme.

You are required to submit the following documents (in English exclusively):

  • The completed FIAS online application form.
  • A detailed curriculum vitae.
  • A copy of the diploma (and translation if necessary): if the writing system/script used in the diploma is not Latin (but, for example, Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic, etc.), a Latin script university certificate or official translation is requested.
  • A 5-page research proposal presenting aims and methods of research; innovativeness; expected outcome (not including the bibliography).
  • A comprehensive list of publications.
  • A selection of three to five publications (articles or book chapters).
  • A letter of support/interest by an IAS’s local scientific partner (except for Marseille IAS).

The FIAS application and evaluation processes are done exclusively online. In order to start the application process, you will need to create an account via the user space.

More details can be found in the Guide for applicants.

Official Link

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