The Management of the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri has noted with concem the ugly trend whereby off-campus hostet landlords throw out students and their belongings from their hostels or lock them out, in total disregard of the agreement reached with them in our recent meeting of 1 February, 2021.
For the avoidance of doubt, we resolved that ND 1 and HND 1 students should pay a full years rent while ND II and HND II students should pay a half years rent, considering that they would conclude their studies and leave in the next 5 months.
Landlords housing students of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede Owerri are please requested to respect this reconciliatory agreement jn the interest of peaceful Co-existence.
Any landlord who further maltreats our students or deals with them differently in respect of this rent issue, stands the risk of having his or her hostel blacklisted.
Once a hostel is blacklisted, it shall be so publicized and referred to as enemy territory, without authority to accommodate our students; and no student shall be allowed to Iive there for the next 5 years.
Any student who packs into such a hostel, even if it is offered free of charge, shall be suspended from the Polytechnic on security grounds for those academic sessions he or she continues to Live there.
This information is for the guidance of all concerned as to be fore-warned is to be forearmed.
Thank you.