All Deans and Heads of Department will recall that by the content of our circular for the closure of the Polytechnic for Christmas and New Year Break, normal work resumes on Monday 3rd January, 2022.
2. In the light of the above, Deans of School and Heads of Department must ensure that normal academic activities for the semester continue immediately unabated. All lecturers must resume lectures and record class attendance as usual
3. Perhaps, it is also worth recalling that as provided in the adjusted Academic Calendar for the 2020/2021 academic session, Saturday 15 January, 2022 is the end of 2 and 4 semester lectures and placement of Examination Time-Table. Similarly, Monday 17th-Saturday 22 January, 2022 has been slated for Revision and placement of course work. Monday 24 January Saturday S February, 2022 is the period for the 2 and 4th Semester Examination (2020/2021 session).
4 Considering the above, there is every need for lectures to continue without delay in order to meet up with the provisions of the Academic Calendar for the 2020/2021 academic session, please
5. Finally, am to express Management's confidence that all staff and students had enjoyed their holidays and to wish all staff and students happy and successful year 2022.