Further to a review of 2019/2020 academic calendar and the conclusion of first semester examination for 2019/2020 academic session on Friday 13th November,2020 the polytechnic management has in line with the mandate of the academic board resolved and directed as follows
2) The commencement of academic activities for the second semester of 2019/2020 academic session with effect from Monday 16th November,2020
3) The first week of the second semester(Monday 16th November,2020 To Friday 22nd November,2020) to embarked for period for returning Students to arrive in the polytechnic and also facilitate the registration of courses in their various department
4) The same week is to be used by the teaching staff to collate and mark their script for Submission to their department
5)Lectures and continouse assessment for second semester
(2019/2020) shall start on Monday 23rd November,2020 till vacation for Christmas break on Friday 18th December,2020
6) Reopening of school For continuation of academic activities after new year shall be on Saturday 9th January,2021 While lectures shall commence on Monday 11th January,2021 Until second semester is concluded with examination in February,2021
7) All staff are to report to Ekowe campus for duty From Monday 16th November,2020as attendance shall be taken for monitoring and necessary action
8)Some students are reported Of harassing the plant operator on campus anyone apprehended in future shall be summarily dismissed and handed over to the police students with any complaints should interact With the Dean(Students) Or students affairs officer rather than take law into their hands to before harmed is to before warned
Please give this directive a wide circulation to all staff and students