Further to an earlier memo with reference number FPE/REG/C&N/015/139 dated 11th August 2021. This is to inform all Students that in view of the dimension introduced into the signing out parade/celebration and the need to maintain peace, conducive atmosphere and ultimately security of life and properties on Campus, the Management of the Polytechnic has for now by this memo placed a ban on Students Vehicles entering into the Campus (both North & South) with effect from Thursday 12th August, 2021.
The decision was informed by the need to be proactive in preventing accidents, break down of law and order and maintaining conducive environment for the remaining 2nd semester examinations.
By this memo, Students are advised to abide by this directive as recalcitrant Students would be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Students Hand Book
This is for your information and strict compliance. Thank you