This is to inform the General Public that the Management of Federal Polytechnic Bauchi has officially released the adjusted Academic calendar for First Semester 2020/2021 Academic Session
See calendar below:
1. Saturday 1st January, 2022: NEW YEAR
2. Monday 10th - Saturday 22nd January, 2022: First Semester Examinations
3. Monday 24th January, 2022: Departmental Board Meeting
4. Tuesday 25th January, 2022: School Board Meting
5. Thursday 27th January, 2022: Academic Board Meeting
6. Monday 7th - Friday 11th February, 2022: Auditing Exercise
7. Monday 14th - Friday 18th February, 2022: Departmental/School Board Meetings
8. Tuesday 22nd - Wednesday 23rd February, 2022: Academic Board Business Committee Meeting
9. Friday 25th February, 2022: Academic Board Meeting to consider First Semester 2020/2021 results.
10. Monday 28th February, 2022: SIWES students starts First Semester Exams.
11. Saturday 12th March, 2022: SIWES students examinations ends
12. Monday 14th March, 2022: Second Semester Lectures Comnences for NON SIWES students
13. Monday 21st March, 2022: Departmental Board meeting
14. Tuesday 22nd March, 2022: School Board meeting
15. Thursday 24th March, 2022: Academic Board Meeting
16. Monday 28th - Thursday 31st March, 2022: Auditing Exercise for SIWES students
17. Saturday 2nd April, 2022: Ramadan (expected)
18. Monday 4th - Friday 8th April, 2022: Departmental/School Board meetings
19. Monday 11th - Tuesday 12th April, 2022: Academic Board Business Committee Meeting
20. Thursday 14th April, 2022: Academic Board meeting to consider SIWES students results
21. Friday 15th April, 2022: Good Friday
22. Monday 18th April, 2022: Easter Monday
23. Monday 25th April, 2022: Second Semester 2020/2021 commences for SIWES students