The Management of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa has released a circular letter notifying staff and students on the Resumption of Academic activities of the institution.
See announcement below;
“I write to inform you that the Academic Board at its 455th meeting held on nursery 22 October 2020 has considered and approved the resumption of students and academic activities with effect from Monday, 16 November 2020.
To this regard, members of staff and students alike MUST comply strictly with the COVID-19 Pandemic guidelines and protocols provided by the Federal Ministry of Education, NBTE, and the NCDC to forestall further spread of the virus towards a safe academic environment. These measures among others include:
I. Regular washing of hands and/or use of hand sanitizers at offices, theatres, classrooms, laboratories and other strategic positions;
II. Use of face mask/face shield, which is mandatory
III. Ensuring social distancing
IV. Adequate spacing in offices, classrooms, laboratories workshops as well as during meetings:
VI. To check or submit to body temperature measurement
VII. To self-isolate when the body temperature is high or manifest with other symptoms
VIII. Any suspected case of the virus should be reported to the Ag Director of Health Services at the Clinic for immediate referral to ne nearest testing and isolation centres.
By this notice, all Deans, HODs, HoUs, Directors, Union Chairmen, Ag.Chiet Security Officer, SUG President, among others are hereby requested to ensure that the contents of this circular are brought to the attention of all or strict compliance, please.
Equally, it is imperative to note that the Management has set up Staff and Students Sub-Committees on Observation/1mplementation of COVID-19 protocols on the campus and any defaulter would be held responsible for his/ her negligence.
Note that, defaulters would be sanctioned accordingly in line with the approved penalties for non-compliance of COVID-19 Protocols amongst staff and students on the campus.
Finally, it is the Management Prayers that nobody shall contract to this deadly virus and see an end to its spread.
Please, be warned and comply Accordingly”