Heads of Department are please aware that by the approved adjusted academic calendar for 2019/2020 academic session, Monday 14th December 2020 has been embarked for the commencement of registration and lectures for the 2nd and 4th Semester 2019/2020 academic session.
In light of this Head of the department are directed to ensures that lectures for 2nd and 4th semester start immediately after 1st and 3rd-semester examination
3) Heads of department are also to note that the calendar provides for the Christmas and new year break to start form Wednesday 23rd December 2020 to Monday 4th January 2021
4) This is, therefore, to remind the head of departments other staff, and students on the provision of the adjusted academic calendar for compliance
5) Thank you
Medan A .Ndodi
Deputy registrar (academics)
For registrar