Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Post UTME Result is Out - 2015/16

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Post UTME Result is Out - 2015/16

Federal  Polytechnic Ilaro post UTME result for the 2015/2016 academic session is out.

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro post UTME result

This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the Federal polytechnic, Ilaro post UTME screening exercise for the 2015/2016 academic session that the management of the institution has released the results of candidates that participated in the screening exercise.

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro post UTME results have been successfully uploaded online.

How to Check Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Post UTME Result

a. Go to Federal Poly Ilaro post UTME result checking portal at http://applications.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng/Applicant/PostUtmeResult,

b. Select programme,

c. Enter your examination number and scratch card pin number where required,

d. Finally, click on ‘Check Result’ to access you post UTME score.

Note: If you experience any difficulties or issues kindly call 07088391544 , 08050436662 ,09038711499 or email support@lloydant.com.

SchoolGist Team

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