Further to the earlier circular issued by the office of the Head of civil service of the federation reference No HCSF/3065/VO./147 dated 22nd December,2020 on effort to contain the COVID-19 SECOND WAVE , i am to inform you that , the Federal Government of Nigeria has directed all staff on CONTENDISS 11/ CONPCASS 5 and below, to remain at home with immediate effect for five weeks and wait further directive, All students are by this circular also directed to remain at home accordingly .
You are also notify that the principal officers committee has approved other officers on CONTEDISS 12/CONPCASS 6 and above to also proceed on an end of the year break from Thursday 24th December,2020 and resume work on 4th January,2021.
Essential service will however , be maintained
The above for your information and necessary action please
Abdulkadir B . Abba