Federal Polytechnic Ekowe school fees for fresh ND and HND students 2023/2024 academic session has been released by the management and school authority. This fee as seen in the table below has been broken down into school fees for ND and HND full time and part-time respectively
This information is for newly admitted students or prospective students who have chosen Federal Poly Ekowe as their preferred choice of Institution during the UTME registration or just want to inquire about their tuition fee and other compulsory fees payable for 2023/2024 academic session?
The table below is a detailed schedule of Federal Poly Ekowe School fees for all courses offered in Federal Poly Ekowe, and please note that this fee is strictly undergraduate students.
The fees payable at the Federal Poly Ekowe as seen in the table below includes acceptance fee, school/tuition fee for new and returning students and other fees payable by new students as mandated by the management of the university.
All newly admitted students of Federal Poly Ekowe are to take note:
a) Ekowe Poly acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into either a polytechnic or university, this is a process applicable in all Polytechnics in Nigeria, be it Federal or state poly. It serves as a proof of acceptance of the provisional admission from JAMB.
b) Late payment of Federal Poly Ekowe school fees would attract extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination or forfeiture of admission as approved by the management of the institution. This is applicable to both full-time and part-time students.
Ekowe polytechnic like most Federal and states polytechnics in Nigeria, do not offer the option of paying school fees in installments due to the affordability.
See breakdown of Federal Poly Ekowe School fees for new students 2023/2024 academic session below.
Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;
a) Federal Poly Ekowe School fees for new students 2023/2024 both full time and part time
b) Federal Poly Ekowe School fees for all courses 2023/2024 session
c) Ekowe poly school fees for ND and HND (1st and 2nd semester)
Federal Poly Ekowe School Fees Schedule for Freshers 2023/2024 Academic Session
All fresh/newly admitted students of Ekowe Poly are advised to pay their tuition fees for 2023/2024 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the school management.
Federal Poly Ekowe School Fees For ND & HND Students 2023/2024 Academic Session
PRE-ND (A) = ART 23500.00
PRE-ND (B) = ART 39000.00
PRE-ND (A) SCI – 24800.00
PRE-ND (B) SCI = 40300.00
NDI (A) SCI = 19800.00
NDI (A) ART = 18500.00
NDI (B) SCI = 40300.00
NDI (B) ART = 39000.00
DIP (B) SCI = 40300.00
DIP (B) ART = 39000.00
HNDI (A) SCI = 19800.00
HNDI (A) ART = 18500.00
HNDI (B) SCI = 45300.00
HNDI (B) ART = 44000.00
CERT (B) SCI = 32300.00
CERT (B) ART = 31000.00
FOREIGN SCI = 44800.00
FOREIGN ART 43500.00
HND CRIME = 44,000.00
PRE-HND ART = 42000.00
PRE-HND SCI = 43300.00
Hope this piece of information was vital enough? if you still have questions as regards Federal polytechnic Ekowe school fees for full time and part-time fresh students 2023/2024 academic session, kindly scroll down to the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.
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