Application for Screening and Validation of credentials is hereby requested from interested candidates who wrote the 2024/2025 UTME and made The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro their 1st Choice or are willing to change to llaro as their 1st Choice Institution.
We have created ILAROPOLY WhatsApp group for aspirants and prospective students of Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro (ILAROPOLY). The idea is to help candidates stay updated regarding Post-UTME and Admission activities for the 2024/2025 academic session in ILAROPOLY. Join now! See instructions by clicking here.
• Candidates who chose The Federal Polytechnic flaro as their the 2024 UTME 1st choice and whose score is not below 150 in the 2024 UTME JAMB
• Candidate should not be below the age of 16.
• Candidates who did not choose The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro but are ready and able to effect a change of Institution to make The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro their First Choice Institution.
• Physically challenged candidates.
• International candidates.
• Candidates who complete the screening form online following the procedures below;
Candidates seeking admission into The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro are required to complete the Institution's Form available online at: www.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng with effect from Monday, 5th August, 2024 ILARO
Candidates seeking admission for ND (Full-Time) are expected to generate a Screening Form Invoice by filling in their details online on the Institution's Website: www.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
Each candidate is expected to pay a sum only (N2, 000.00) as a processing fee
1. Log on to www.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
2. Click on "Portal" on the main menu
3. Scroll down to "New Application"
4. Click on the "Generate Invoice" button
5. To generate your invoice fill in your Name and other details (as you have them on your credentials) and select your programme of study. Proceed to the Bank with the invoice generated. Pay at the Bank and
6. Obtain RRR NUMBER
7. Return to the Portal, repeat steps 1-3 above and click on the "Fill Application Form" button
8. Enter the RRR NUMBER obtained from the Bank
9. Complete the Application Form.