Sequel to the circular FPN/R/82/V/86 of 12th December, 2022 captioned "Ban on Celebrations by Students after Examinations" and our earlier memo FPN/R/223A/XI/93 dated 27 January 2022 on "Ban on the use of Departmental Uniform/Customized T-shirt by students, The Management of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede wishes to further inform students that flying of any color in whatever guise is also prohibited.
Furthermore, putting on uniforms/customized T-shirt by students as a mark of identity with inscription that depicts celebration of any sort is banned.
This is to ensure sanity, decorum, and orderliness before, during and after examinations and to safe guide the lives and properties of our students and that of the Institution.
All students are further directed to comply accordingly, as defaulters would be sanctioned in line with the provisions of the rules and regulations guiding the Institution.
All Deans, Directors, and Heads of Departments are requested to enforce and bring the information above to the attention of students under them and ensure Compliance.
Mrs. Anuna E.C.